A healthier future for New Hampshire’s kids
June 1, 2015
Youth Leadership Through Adventure teaches kids to be leaders, deepens their connection to community — and, in so doing, keeps them off drugs and alcohol
Visiting nurses tend to communities
March 15, 2015
Cornerstone VNA nurses provide care for 2500 people in Rochester area
Media Power Youth helps keep kids healthy and safe
September 11, 2014
Group teaches critical thinking, smart use of media
Music therapy helped Christopher find his voice
June 13, 2014
Manchester Community Music School program helps kids communicate with music
Screen & Intervene: A proven approach that changes lives
June 1, 2014
Early detection prevents substance use disorders among young people
Believing in every kid
June 1, 2014
Through the Children’s Fund of the Upper Valley, Jenny Williams gets kids running
A medical home for seacoast families
May 1, 2014
Families First Health and Support Center provides primary health care services to more than 6,300 men, women and children annually, including John and Sandy Pelletier
All prevention is local
June 1, 2013
Regional prevention networks battle the disease of addiction in New Hampshire communities
The chicken farmer who changed the curve
June 1, 2012
Oliver Hubbard of Walpole invested $43.5 million with the Foundation to battle the disease of addiction in New Hampshire