New fund to support conservation projects in northern New Hampshire
April 30, 2018
Land and water conservation projects in New Hampshire’s North Country will get a boost from a new donor-advised fund at the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Ice-out data adds to knowledge about climate change
February 9, 2018
The latest installment of The Outside Story, sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, explores local data showing ice-out coming earlier, lilacs blooming sooner and predictions of shorter sugaring seasons
Once in a blue supermoon
January 26, 2018
A blue supermoon will rise on January 31 — a rare occurrence indeed. The latest installment of The Outside Story, sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, explores the science...and encourages you to go out and take a look
A forest stays a forest — and generates money to give
January 18, 2018
A generous family donated the 2,086-acre Beaver Brook Forest to the Charitable Foundation. Now, the land is in process of being conserved forever, and charitable resources generated by the sale are already at work in New Hampshire communities
From a hardscrabble start, Jim Curvey built on education to succeed
January 18, 2018
Now, the Curvey family's philanthropy is helping others get the education they need, and helping struggling families in Carroll County
“The State of Our Estuaries”
January 11, 2018
Estuaries are among the most important and sensitive ecosystems on the planet. The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation's Kevin Peterson writes about a recent report on how New Hampshire estuaries are faring – and what can be done to help
Bears make their beds for winter
October 27, 2017
The Outside Story, sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund, explains how black bears 'go to bed fat and strong and wake up skinny and strong'
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation announces $300,000 in grants to support place-based ecology education in the Upper Valley
October 26, 2017
Fund provides support to place-based ecology education programs throughout New Hampshire and Vermont’s Upper Valley
Summer’s last exhale
September 15, 2017
The Outside Story: Common nighthawks are neither common, nor nocturnal, nor hawks. But they are really cool
Wilderness, plus
September 8, 2017
Amy Sandback worked with the Monadnock Conservancy and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation to preserve a large tract of wild land, and create funds to support a variety of causes and organizations
A dragon devours the sun
August 17, 2017
A partial social eclipse will be visible in New England on Monday. The Outside Story explores the mythology and science of these dazzling astronomical events
Summer house guests
August 4, 2017
Phoebes take up residence every summer under awnings and atop porch lights, seemingly unperturbed by our presence