Training available for Medicaid-to-Schools program for NH schools
January 11, 2022
Children in many schools are in need of school-based health and behavioral health services. Services that schools are required to provide based on Individualized Education Plans or other written care plans are reimbursable by the federal Medicaid program under the “Medicaid to Schools” program. Free training and technical assistance is now available for New Hampshire schools to gain access to federal dollars to cover these critical health services for children.
Helping people achieve their American dream
September 2, 2021
Khaleel Shreet is director and senior coach at the New Hampshire Duet Program. “Through my education, I was able to transform my whole life,” he says. “I feel privileged to enjoy the life I have with my wife and daughter and I look forward to helping others reach their potential.”
Local news matters
August 25, 2021
A conversation with Eileen O’Grady, a Report for America fellow and the education reporter at the Concord Monitor. A grant from the Charitable Foundation is helping to support her position.
Dover High School’s Eric Schlapak awarded Christa McAuliffe Sabbatical
June 22, 2021
Schlapak will help Career and Technical Education teachers connect the dots for students between math concepts and career skills. Math matters in diagnosing auto problems, adjusting recipes in a culinary class, welding, carpentry, reading meters in electrical work — even in cosmetology, where geometry helps sculpt hairstyles.
The public good that is public education is being imperiled in New Hampshire
May 21, 2021
Public K-12 schools deliver on the very American promise of an education for all — no matter how much money your parents have, or where you live, or the color of your skin or if you get around on your feet or in a wheelchair. But the public good that is public education is being imperiled in New Hampshire in ways that put children’s education and the well-being of our communities and our economy at risk.
Foundations team up to offer free community college course for all NH high school grads
May 12, 2021
The “Gift to the Class of 2021” recognizes the disruption the pandemic has had on educational aspirations and aims to get students back on track.
New Hampshire’s children deserve school-funding fairness
February 25, 2021
In New Hampshire, according to a recent American Institutes for Research report, “The highest poverty school districts have the lowest student outcomes. The negative relationship between poverty and outcomes is very strong.” The Charitable Foundation is supporting two nonprofit organizations that are addressing these issues: Reaching Higher New Hampshire and the New Hampshire School Funding Fairness project. Because all students in New Hampshire should have equal access to educational opportunity so they can thrive in school, graduate and grow into adults who are able to help sustain New Hampshire’s communities and economy.
Helping schools pivot to outdoor learning
January 14, 2021
As schools began to close this past spring, educators across the state scrambled to figure out how to keep teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Programs supported by the Wellborn Ecology Fund have been helping schools move to more outdoor instruction for years, and more schools are now making "outdoor classrooms" a regular part of the school day.
Teacher Kristin Lizotte reflects on her McAuliffe Sabbatical year
November 6, 2020
Each year, the Christa McAuliffe Sabbatical awards a year-long leave of absence to an exceptional New Hampshire public school teacher. The sabbatical provides the teacher with the time, space, and funding to explore, through a self-designed project, new ideas and ways to enhance classroom teaching. Here, Kearsarge Elementary School teacher Kristin Lizotte, who was awarded the McAuliffe Sabbatical in 2019, reflects on her experience.
Progress for the youngest among us
September 10, 2020
In recent years, the Charitable Foundation has made investments that helped push statewide policy change and funding, build coalitions and secure significant federal dollars to help improve outcomes for young children. Christina Lachance, who had been leading that work, has now taken the helm as director of the New Hampshire Council For Thriving Children.
School counselors stay connected with students through summer
September 2, 2020
Grant from the Community Crisis Action Fund helped school counselors in the North Country stay connected with children during a summer of social isolation — reminding kids that they are part of a caring community, and helping them start the school year ready to learn.
Taking down the barriers to college completion
July 23, 2020
Nonprofit Duet program in Manchester "meets students where they are, and gets them where they need to be" with a combination of online learning, flexibility, coaching, tutoring, career counseling and more.