Young people raise their voices about covid
May 10, 2022
In Laconia, the local paper has embarked on an ambitious project to hear directly from young people about their COVID experiences and other issues important to them. The Laconia Daily Sun is taking a Solutions Journalism approach to reporting on the issues raised by young people: examining how similar issues have been addressed elsewhere and what possible solutions might be options in the Lakes Region.
Foundation urges repeal and replacement of “banned concepts” law
January 12, 2022
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation stands firmly behind the belief that all of our children deserve an education that promotes their development and critical thinking skills and offers them practical tools for their future. As such, we urge the legislature to pass SB304 to repeal and replace the provisions adopted in last year’s budget bill, HB2. The current law makes it difficult for our children to receive the complete education they deserve to help them thrive in communities and civic life.
Nonprofits help make sure people can vote
December 30, 2021
In November of 2020, amid very dark days of the pandemic, all New Hampshire voters were allowed to vote by absentee in a general election — for the first time ever. But not everyone knew how. A coalition of New Hampshire nonprofits worked to help ensure that everyone understood how to vote safely and securely.
Foundation urges state leaders to allow remote testimony
December 15, 2021
Citizen participation has always been a priority for the New Hampshire legislature. The health of our citizen government depends on it. And the health of our people and economy depend on stemming the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation joins many others in urging House and Senate leaders to provide the people of New Hampshire the option to testify remotely during the upcoming legislative session.
A collaborative model for nonprofit news
December 13, 2021
Walter Cronkite said “journalism is what we need to make democracy work.” The Granite State News Collaborative is a promising model for providing important local news to communities across the state.
Local news matters
August 25, 2021
A conversation with Eileen O’Grady, a Report for America fellow and the education reporter at the Concord Monitor. A grant from the Charitable Foundation is helping to support her position.
Foundation statement on state budget
June 30, 2021
A state budget is a statement of community values, and we believe that elements of this budget and trailer bill run contrary to the values of free speech, democratic representation and equality of opportunity.
Giving to boost civic health
May 18, 2021
Robust civic health is vital to community problem-solving, trust, engagement, a sense of belonging — and so much more. Here are some suggestions for ways to give to help nurture the civic health of our communities.
State budget is a reflection of New Hampshire’s values and priorities
May 4, 2021
New Hampshire’s budget carries profound implications for almost every aspect of community well-being. We urge Senators to listen to the voices of nonprofit leaders and advocates, prevent loss of federal funds to New Hampshire, support responsible funding for health, human services and education and reject the language of HB 544.
Immigrants bring enormous value to New Hampshire
April 20, 2021
New Americans are putting their skills and assets to work in thousands of ways for New Hampshire communities. They deserve to be kindly welcomed.
We want New Hampshire to foster an environment that lifts the human spirit
April 1, 2021
If HB 544 passes — aimed ban to anti-racism, implicit bias and gender bias training in state-funded agencies, schools, and business — it would be severely problematic for our economy, our children, and our image to the rest of the nation
500 Philanthropic leaders call for increased efforts to combat anti-Asian racism
March 26, 2021
Charitable Foundation co-signs letter by Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy.