Building economic opportunity
March 5, 2016
Foundation VP of Community Impact Katie Merrow outlines how the Foundation is working to increase opportunities for our kids – and help businesses to thrive – in this "Business Monadnock" article
The buzz on honey flavors
March 5, 2016
From tupelo honey to magical multiflorals...all in "The Outside Story," a weekly series about the natural world sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
A legacy of generosity
March 4, 2016
Support from the Foundation’s Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund touches thousands of lives every day
Discover the new
March 2, 2016
What have we been up to? Building a better online experience for you
Sleeves-rolled-up giving experience
February 23, 2016
Associated Grocers of New England & AG Supermarkets use a donor-advised fund to give back to the communities where they do business
A powerhouse attorney, a thoughtful advisor
February 12, 2016
Anu Mullikin of Devine Millimet always makes charitable giving part of the conversation
Sabbatical program honors Christa’s legacy
January 28, 2016
New Hampshire's teachers get the chance to bring great ideas to fruition
Remembering Martin Gross
January 28, 2016
Few people have had a greater impact on the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation than Martin Gross
Goshawk: Apex Accipiter
January 25, 2016
The Outside Story, a weekly series about the natural world, is sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
Wellborn Ecology Fund announces more than $80,000 in grants
January 22, 2016
Fund provides support to place-based ecology education programs throughout New Hampshire and Vermont’s Upper Valley
The difference between winning and losing
January 21, 2016
Life of an Athlete program is keeping kids off drugs and alcohol
Relationships matter
January 20, 2016
The advisor-managed investment option allows Harry Holland to retain his investment manager and get expert grantmaking help