On making eye contact and the wonders of the Monadnock region
August 28, 2017
Meet Sandeep Bikram Shah, the Charitable Foundation's new senior program officer for the Monadnock region
Kids Count data and the opportunity gap
August 21, 2017
State ranks first overall on child well-being in 2017, but averages mask vast discrepancies in access to opportunity and outcomes for kids
A dragon devours the sun
August 17, 2017
A partial social eclipse will be visible in New England on Monday. The Outside Story explores the mythology and science of these dazzling astronomical events
How to ‘pop the question’ about charitable giving
August 15, 2017
Sally and David Mulhern on focusing first on goals (before solutions), the benefits of giving as part of a complex estate plan, and why active listening is key
Scholastic Art Awards celebrate student artists
August 10, 2017
New Hampshire artists bring home 32 medals from national competition
Curbing substance misuse
August 7, 2017
Tym Rourke, writing for Washington Monthly, on how a chicken farmer’s generosity is helping New Hampshire address the disease of addiction
Summer house guests
August 4, 2017
Phoebes take up residence every summer under awnings and atop porch lights, seemingly unperturbed by our presence
An aspiring doctor says ‘thank you’
August 1, 2017
The Foundation awards about $5.5 million each year in scholarships. Meredith Peck of Plymouth wrote recently to let us know how she is doing
Building a business, and a community’s hearth
July 24, 2017
Magda Randall's dream was to open a bakery and help revitalize Main Street. Economic-development initiatives supported by the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund helped that dream come true
Staying home, with dignity — and a hot meal
July 20, 2017
Meals on Wheels of St. Joseph Community Services provides meal delivery and critical safety checks to 1,900 elders and people with disabilities in Hillsborough County
Sharing meals, banging nails, building community
July 17, 2017
Program officer Phoebe Backler and her family connected with their North Country community by helping build a new warming hut for the local ski club
The Ogunbayos’ American Dream
July 13, 2017
Musiliu and Tobi Ogunbayo became nurses to "contribute to humanity by preserving human dignity and freedom from suffering." Medallion Fund scholarships helped