How to create a culture of giving in your business
February 13, 2018
Your company can do good AND do well — while supporting critical services, strengthening communities and building team camaraderie
Ice-out data adds to knowledge about climate change
February 9, 2018
The latest installment of The Outside Story, sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, explores local data showing ice-out coming earlier, lilacs blooming sooner and predictions of shorter sugaring seasons
Bequest supports music education
February 8, 2018
David Brooks loved music. He left a legacy to make sure New Hampshire kids get the chance to love music, too
A public-health emergency — and how you can help
February 1, 2018
Sweeping measures are needed to turn the corner on the state's drug crisis. But there are also some basic, tangible things that average citizens can do to help. Here are five
How to ‘pop the question’ about charitable giving
January 30, 2018
Robin Young of Northstar Financial Planning on getting to the heart of what is most important to people
Once in a blue supermoon
January 26, 2018
A blue supermoon will rise on January 31 — a rare occurrence indeed. The latest installment of The Outside Story, sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, explores the science...and encourages you to go out and take a look
Toward a more thriving North Country
January 25, 2018
The Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund 2017 Report to the Community tells the stories of work that is boosting Coös County and surrounding regions — made possible by the Tillotsons' generosity
Thinking about mentoring? Here’s how to get started
January 23, 2018
Mentors help our kids to thrive. Hundreds of New Hampshire kids are on waiting lists, hoping that caring adult will come along to spend some time with them
A forest stays a forest — and generates money to give
January 18, 2018
A generous family donated the 2,086-acre Beaver Brook Forest to the Charitable Foundation. Now, the land is in process of being conserved forever, and charitable resources generated by the sale are already at work in New Hampshire communities
From a hardscrabble start, Jim Curvey built on education to succeed
January 18, 2018
Now, the Curvey family's philanthropy is helping others get the education they need, and helping struggling families in Carroll County
We need more women on the ballot
January 16, 2018
When women run for office, they are just as likely to win as men. The New Hampshire Women's Foundation is trying to get more women to run
New scholarship fund to help new Americans
January 12, 2018
Photographer Becky Field, who has been documenting the lives of immigrant and refugee families since 2012, has partnered with the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation to establish Different Roots, Common Dreams Scholarship Fund