“I would like to do something extraordinary in my field”
November 13, 2018
A partnership with the Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation means that students who had faced barriers to opportunity are getting degrees, technical training and certificates to help them succeed in NH's workforce.
Beyond the stigma: hub-and-spoke lessons from Vermont
November 8, 2018
During October, "Solutions Journalism" series explored "hub-and-spoke" lessons from neighboring Vermont, how Manchester's ACERT team is helping children who have been exposed to trauma, and more
Private foundation? Donor-advised fund? Both?
November 7, 2018
Trying to choose the best vehicle for your philanthropy? Charitable Foundation director of philanthropy Laura Rauscher walks through some of the options, plus ways the Charitable Foundation partners with private foundations for the good of New Hampshire communities
What the new tax law means for your charitable giving
November 1, 2018
Rick Peck, Charitable Foundation vice president for philanthropy, on some things to keep in mind about the new tax code — and why nonprofits need our support more than ever
Sachiko Akiyama awarded 2018 Artist Advancement Grant
October 31, 2018
Portsmouth sculptor awarded grant that helps cultivate the Piscataqua region’s arts community, boost artists’ careers and helps keep them living and working in the area
Do Good and Do Well
October 24, 2018
Experts weigh in on why philanthropic planning is an important part of business planning, particularly when planning for transition
Information + Inspiration: 2019 Charitable Giving Guide
October 23, 2018
New Hampshire Business Review's annual giving guide helps spread the word about the great work of New Hamsphire's nonprofit sector
Civic matters
October 23, 2018
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation president Dick Ober on work in New Hampshire communities that engages, informs, welcomes and brings people together
Giving at year-end? Some important dates to remember
October 18, 2018
Nonprofits rely on year-end gifts to provide critical services in our communities. When considering gifts of cash or securities through the Charitable Foundation, keep these dates in mind
What’s your charitable mission?
October 16, 2018
Why a charitable giving mission statement will add joy to your giving — and maximize impact
How to ‘pop the question’ about charitable giving
October 9, 2018
In the latest installment of the Foundation's "How to Pop the Question about Charitable Giving" series, we talk with Adam Ruedig of the Ruedig Group of UBS Financial Services, about why the conversation matters so much, how giving connects people to community, and the 'Baby Boomer zeitgeist'
Beyond the stigma: helping kids deal with trauma, suicide danger signs, more professionals entering recovery field and more
October 3, 2018
"Solutions journalism" series looks at behavioral health and issues related to substance use in New Hampshire