Family giving made easier
March 28, 2019
Giving as a family can be very rewarding, but it can also be complicated. Foundation senior philanthropy advisor Amy Fackelmann outlines some of the ways that the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation helps extended families come together around their giving, pass on giving traditions to the next generation, and support great work happening in our communities
Building a mountain-biking mecca in Gorham
March 21, 2019
The Coös Cycling Club is providing outdoor recreation opportunities for local residents, drawing tourists, and contributing to economic revival in the Gorham area. The group has now joined forces with the Borderlands Trail System, which is promoting trail networks and communities across the Northern Forest region. Grants from the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation support this work and other efforts to promote sustainable economic development for the North Country
Monadnock region’s largest dairy farm now protected
March 18, 2019
The 350-acre Chickering Farm, on the Connecticut River in Westmoreland, will remain intact in perpetuity
Why animals’ eyes shine at night (but people’s don’t)
March 15, 2019
In the latest installment of "The Outside Story," sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund, learn about eyeshine in animals, which is produced by a membrane called the tapetum lucidum (“tapestry of light”), a reflective surface located behind the retina
Meeting a community’s dental needs
March 12, 2019
Coös Family Dental, on Berlin's Main Street, is open to anyone in the community who needs care. The clinic is filling a need that is particularly acute in the North Country, where more than two in ten adults have not seen a dentist in the past five years, and very few dental practices are accepting new Medicaid patients. The Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation has supported the clinic with a grant to upgrade equipment
Adding meaning and purpose in retirement
March 7, 2019
Elise Salek, an estate planning attorney and member of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s Capital Region advisory board, writes about how giving and volunteering are helping people connect with community, embrace new experiences and stay happy and healthy during retirement
Collaborative efforts for Coös kids gain national recognition
March 5, 2019
A decade-long collaboration funded by the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation has resulted in a coordinated system of care and services aimed at improving outcomes for every child in Coös County. A research brief about that work, “By Us and For Us, A Story of Early Childhood Development Systems Change and Results in a Rural Context,” has been published in the The Foundation Review, a national, peer-reviewed journal. Now, lessons learned in Coös County can be applied to other rural communities around the country to improve outcomes for children
Committed to the North Country
February 27, 2019
The Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation made more than 70 grants and totaling $3.3 million in 2018. Read the stories of just a few of those grants in the Tillotson Fund's annual Report to the Community
New scholarship fund will help Bethlehem residents pursue career training
February 21, 2019
The Fresh Tracks Medallion Fund is the newest of 26 Medallion scholarship funds open to learners of any age who are training in the trades or pursuing certifications in emerging technical sectors and other high-growth occupations
Inspiring the next generation
February 20, 2019
Gretchen Carlson, program manager at the Gundalow Company in Portsmouth, teaches children about the science and history of Seacoast waterways
A fitting legacy for Claremont’s kids
February 14, 2019
Rene Lacasse of Claremont was an immigrant, a United States Navy veteran, a steel worker, a dad and a coach. He loved basketball, and he thought all kids should have the opportunity to play sports. Now, a fund in his name at the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation is covering registration fees for kids in need to participate in sports and other activities at the local community center
A welcoming state for all
February 13, 2019
Allyson Ryder, Associate Director of Leadership New Hampshire and member of the Governor's Council on Diversity and Inclusion, on the importance of collective and concerted efforts to make the Granite State a welcoming place for all