Anthony Poore on the urgency of the humanities
October 23, 2019
The executive director of New Hampshire Humanities in conversation with the Charitable Foundation's Lois Shea about the urgency of the humanities at this moment in history; bringing new voices into the conversation in New Hampshire; and how politically conscious hip-hop changed his world
Nearly $300,000 in grants will support place-based ecology education
October 17, 2019
The Wellborn Ecology Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation supports place-based ecology education in the Upper Valley region of New Hampshire and Vermont
Bill and Esther Levy scholarship has helped scores of students afford college
October 16, 2019
The Bill and Esther Levy Scholarship Fund provides college money for students of Kennett High School in North Conway, which serves eight towns in the Mount Washington Valley. Bill’s stepson, Ron Collins, remembered Bill Levy saying: “I want the kids in the Valley to have a chance. If they have the gumption to go to school, but not the money, I’m going to help them.’
Dreaming big for the North Country
October 8, 2019
Megan Flanagan, a four-year recipient of the Neil and Louise Tillotson Scholarship, graduated last spring from the University of Vermont with a degree in Parks, Recreation and Tourism. She is now pursuing her Master’s in Business Administration while running two small businesses — and dreaming of a bright future in the North Country
Charitable Foundation designated a ‘recovery-friendly workplace’
October 2, 2019
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation has been designated a recovery-friendly workplace by Governor Christopher T. Sununu. The governor’s “recovery-friendly workplace initiative” promotes wellness for Granite Staters by empowering workplaces to provide support for people recovering from substance use disorders and those supporting family members in recovery
Restoring the American Dream: Five Questions for Nisha Patel
September 24, 2019
Nisha Patel, who led the U.S. Partnership on Mobility from Poverty, spoke with the Foundation's Lois Shea about why poverty is about more than economic hardship, why the narratives about poverty in the U.S. need to change, and why she is optimistic that the American Dream can be restored
Melissa Jellison awarded 2019 Louise Tillotson Teaching Fellowship
September 17, 2019
Life science teacher and the STEAM coordinator at White Mountains Regional High School awarded fellowship that recognizes excellence in public education and strives to retain outstanding educators in North Country schools
Strategic Storytelling for Good workshops offered for nonprofits
September 10, 2019
Charitable Foundation and NH Center for Nonprofits team up to bring in national experts on strategic storytelling for workshops in Manchester and Plymouth. Register now to learn how to shape and sharpen your organization's storytelling strategies in ways that motivate audiences to take action. Presented by Douglas Hattaway and Tim Lewis of Hattway Communications, architects of the Communications Network's "Storytelling for Good" online platform
Community Foundations prepare to help with Hurricane Dorian relief
September 6, 2019
Community foundations throughout the southeast have activated disaster relief funds to help those affected by the storm. Here's how you can help.
‘Claremonters Helping Claremonters’
September 4, 2019
A growing number of individuals and families are 'paying it forward' to Claremont and surrounding communities by becoming part of the Fund for Greater Claremont. Grants from the fund have helped connect kids with reading mentors at school; provide wraparound services for struggling families through the local family resource center; provide free dental care for kids; prevent domestic violence; support the local community center — and more
Joining forces for our kids
August 28, 2019
The People’s United Community Foundation has aligned its New Hampshire grantmaking with the priorities of “New Hampshire Tomorrow,” the Charitable Foundation’s initiative to increase opportunity for young people — helping more kids go to summer camp, enabling more kids to get mentors, supporting wraparound services for struggling young families, and more
More than $240k in Express Grants awarded
August 28, 2019
Weekly grocery deliveries are being made to children during summer break and school vacation weeks; high school cross-country skiers will be able to participate on teams and enjoy New Hampshire’s official state sport; new art will be installed on the Franconia ArtWalk — and much more. The Charitable Foundation’s Express Grants program, which has a streamlined application process and short turnaround time, provides small grants (less than $5,000) to nonprofits in need of flexible funding to help with specific projects and programs