‘Everyday superheroes’ working to help homeless during pandemic
April 20, 2020
Homeless shelters across the state are adapting operations to help keep residents and staff safe while continuing to deliver on their missions. Grants from the Foundation's Community Crisis Action Fund have been deployed quickly to meet a variety of urgent needs — from paying for additional hand-washing sinks and sanitizing supplies to hotel rooms and tents.
Everywhere we look, we see people stepping up
April 10, 2020
To all who are doing the work and all who are providing the fuel and the hope to make it possible: We will never forget your passion. Your commitment. Your advocacy for those who needed you.
Grants, generosity supporting NH communities in response to crisis
April 9, 2020
In the past three weeks, $2.4 million in grants have been made to address critical needs in our communities; generous New Hampshire people have contributed $2.6 million to the Community Crisis Action Fund.
More than 250 centers designated emergency child-care providers
April 8, 2020
New Hampshire Emergency Child Care Collaborative creates statewide system to provide care for the children of essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic
April 6, 2020
Foundation strategy focused on reducing pain and hardship among our most vulnerable neighbors and reducing impact on critical health care and social service systems.
All taxpayers can deduct up to $300 in donations to nonprofits in 2020
April 6, 2020
The CARES Act made some changes to charitable deductions for individuals and corporations for 2020. Here is a very brief overview. While we know tax benefits are not the primary reason people give, we hope these changes will encourage increased giving to nonprofits during this challenging time.
At-home learning resources from NH’s nonprofits
April 2, 2020
Learn about the constitution, go live on Facebook with scientists at the top of Mount Washington, creature a nature scavenger hunt in your own backyard, take a virtual field trip to a coral reef, create a landscape collage with an art educator from the Currier Museum of Art...and much, much more. New Hampshire's nonprofits are adapting to provide online resources for learning from home during challenging times.
Collaborative to establish emergency system for child care for essential workers
March 26, 2020
Foundation is supporting the New Hampshire Emergency Child Care Collaborative with staffing and philanthropic resources, and will make grants to nonprofit child care centers to help ensure that essential workers have consistent and safe child care during the COVID-19 crisis.
A message to our nonprofit partners: Adapting our grantmaking during difficult times
March 25, 2020
To help respond to urgent community needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Foundation will prioritize support for the most vulnerable in our communities and provide maximum flexibility for grantees.
Announcing the Community Crisis Action Fund
March 20, 2020
Fund will support critical work being done in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Supporting New Hampshire communities during challenging times
March 13, 2020
Foundation is closely tracking and following guidance from public health officials and will be prepared to help when the people of New Hampshire need us.
A legacy of helping people transition from homelessness to hope
March 12, 2020
Before he died, Barry Quimby set up a fund that would continue to support the nonprofit organization where he had worked for nearly 20 years.