Statement on proposed state legislation regulating diversity training
February 11, 2021
The future of our state, our shared prosperity and well-being, depend on all people being fully welcomed and valued, able to reach their potential and to help sustain their communities. The passage of this bill would detract from, not contribute to, our shared well-being and prosperity.
Young entrepreneurs share stories
February 2, 2021
On February 9, Stay, Work, Play New Hampshire is offering the opportunity to hear from three young New Hampshire entrepreneurs about their experiences as people of color starting businesses in the Granite State. The event is part of Stay, Work Play’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion series, of which the Foundation is a proud sponsor.
Eliminating racism, empowering women
January 19, 2021
Jessica Cantin is the CEO of the YWCA of New Hampshire. She spoke with the Foundation’s Lois Shea about the YWCA’s work to eliminate racism; empower women; and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
Helping schools pivot to outdoor learning
January 14, 2021
As schools began to close this past spring, educators across the state scrambled to figure out how to keep teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Programs supported by the Wellborn Ecology Fund have been helping schools move to more outdoor instruction for years, and more schools are now making "outdoor classrooms" a regular part of the school day.
Taking Stock: Philanthropy’s Role in Supporting Racial Equity
January 12, 2021
Join the Center for Effective Philanthropy’s Virtual Learning Session on January 27 featuring Yolanda Coentro, President & CEO of Institute for Nonprofit Practice; Tricia Raikes, Philanthropist & Principal of Raikes Foundation; Rashad Robinson, President of Color Of Change; and Darren Walker, President of Ford Foundation.
Charitable Foundation grants $4.1 million in operating support to nonprofits
January 5, 2021
Recent funding from Foundation's Community Grants program provides multiyear operating support to 88 nonprofits working across New Hampshire.
GOFERR reporting platform for CARES Act funds now available
January 4, 2021
To help guide nonprofits in the reporting requirement, the Charitable Foundation, NH Center for Nonprofits and CDFA will host webinar on January 6.
Join the Racial Equity Learning Challenge
December 31, 2020
Month-long learning challenge helps workplace teams learn about history and dynamics of racism, discover local resources and discover ways to take action for change.
‘Everyday superheroes’
December 30, 2020
New Hampshire nonprofits have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic with ‘grace and ferocity’
Generous gift from MacKenzie Scott will help NH communities
December 17, 2020
National philanthropist and author donates $6 million into Community Crisis Action Fund, which is aiding in COVID relief and recovery. Every dollar donated to the fund supports nonprofits working in our communities.
A champion for public health
December 17, 2020
As Director of Public Health for the City of Nashua, Bobbie Bagley tends to the public health of more than 200,000 people in 13 communities. Since March, she has been working 10- to 16-hour days, seven days a week, managing the region’s response to COVID-19.
‘We are not all in the same boat’
December 15, 2020
When the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying economic fallout hit our communities, not a single person was unaffected. But some of us were much worse off than others.