Girls, Inc. adapts to help families through a difficult year
March 17, 2021
With new on-site "Smart Cafes," the nonprofit offered girls whose families needed to work outside the home a place to do remote learning with guidance from staff, three nutritious meals a day and after-school care.
Foundation seeks NH residents for community listening and research project
February 26, 2021
Are you interested in working with fellow New Hampshire residents to learn more about the barriers to opportunity in the Granite State? Join a team that will listen deeply to community members across the state and ensure that their voices are included in the Charitable Foundation's next strategic plan.
New Hampshire’s children deserve school-funding fairness
February 25, 2021
In New Hampshire, according to a recent American Institutes for Research report, “The highest poverty school districts have the lowest student outcomes. The negative relationship between poverty and outcomes is very strong.” The Charitable Foundation is supporting two nonprofit organizations that are addressing these issues: Reaching Higher New Hampshire and the New Hampshire School Funding Fairness project. Because all students in New Hampshire should have equal access to educational opportunity so they can thrive in school, graduate and grow into adults who are able to help sustain New Hampshire’s communities and economy.
Stories of community resilience
February 22, 2021
The people, communities and nonprofits of the North Country have responded to this time of great challenge with great resilience. Read more in the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund 2020 Report to the Community.
In a moment of great peril, inspiration to ‘lift our gaze’
February 17, 2021
If we can keep our republic together, Amanda Gorman’s inaugural poem “The Hill We Climb” will join the pantheon of the most important words spoken in its name.
Request for Proposals: Evaluation of the Foundation’s investments in substance use prevention
February 16, 2021
Proposals due by Monday, March 15.
New community health workers will help with COVID response in Manchester
February 12, 2021
In Manchester, four new community health workers will soon be in action, helping that city’s Health Department reach out to and better serve communities disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The positions were made possible with a combination of funds from the Charitable Foundation’s Community Crisis Action Fund and federal CARES Act dollars.
Statement on proposed state legislation regulating diversity training
February 11, 2021
The future of our state, our shared prosperity and well-being, depend on all people being fully welcomed and valued, able to reach their potential and to help sustain their communities. The passage of this bill would detract from, not contribute to, our shared well-being and prosperity.
Young entrepreneurs share stories
February 2, 2021
On February 9, Stay, Work, Play New Hampshire is offering the opportunity to hear from three young New Hampshire entrepreneurs about their experiences as people of color starting businesses in the Granite State. The event is part of Stay, Work Play’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion series, of which the Foundation is a proud sponsor.
Eliminating racism, empowering women
January 19, 2021
Jessica Cantin is the CEO of the YWCA of New Hampshire. She spoke with the Foundation’s Lois Shea about the YWCA’s work to eliminate racism; empower women; and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
Helping schools pivot to outdoor learning
January 14, 2021
As schools began to close this past spring, educators across the state scrambled to figure out how to keep teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Programs supported by the Wellborn Ecology Fund have been helping schools move to more outdoor instruction for years, and more schools are now making "outdoor classrooms" a regular part of the school day.
Taking Stock: Philanthropy’s Role in Supporting Racial Equity
January 12, 2021
Join the Center for Effective Philanthropy’s Virtual Learning Session on January 27 featuring Yolanda Coentro, President & CEO of Institute for Nonprofit Practice; Tricia Raikes, Philanthropist & Principal of Raikes Foundation; Rashad Robinson, President of Color Of Change; and Darren Walker, President of Ford Foundation.