JAG Productions shows why art matters
August 18, 2021
Anyone who has ever struggled to explain the importance of the arts might try this, from JAG’s mission:
“…to catalyze compassion, empathy, love, and community through shared understandings of humankind through the lens of the African American experience…”
Local organizing, education, action to fight climate change
August 17, 2021
Nonprofit 350NH works to combat the climate crisis by promoting the use of clean and renewable energy sources and advocating to phase out polluting and non-renewable energy sources.
This is who we are
July 21, 2021
Who we are is never more apparent than during times of crisis. The Charitable Foundation's 2020 annual report features 10 stories from a time of shared crisis that give us enduring hope.
Foundation statement on state budget
June 30, 2021
A state budget is a statement of community values, and we believe that elements of this budget and trailer bill run contrary to the values of free speech, democratic representation and equality of opportunity.
How’s our civic health?
June 24, 2021
The latest NH Civic Health Index from the Carsey School of Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire shows that the state does well by some measures — and it also raises some critical questions.
Dover High School’s Eric Schlapak awarded Christa McAuliffe Sabbatical
June 22, 2021
Schlapak will help Career and Technical Education teachers connect the dots for students between math concepts and career skills. Math matters in diagnosing auto problems, adjusting recipes in a culinary class, welding, carpentry, reading meters in electrical work — even in cosmetology, where geometry helps sculpt hairstyles.
NH Gives breaks all-time fundraising total for the second year in a row
June 10, 2021
Generous Granite Staters come together to contribute $3.7 million to local nonprofits during state’s single largest day of giving.
NH Gives is back: 24-hour online fundraising event to benefit hundreds of area nonprofits and causes
June 3, 2021
Donate at NHGives.org on June 8-9 and take advantage of more than $1 million in matching gifts; nearly 600 charities participating.
Supporting LGBTQ youth
May 26, 2021
Mentoring partnership between Big Brothers Big Sisters and Seacoast Outright gets help from the Respect for All Youth Fund.
The public good that is public education is being imperiled in New Hampshire
May 21, 2021
Public K-12 schools deliver on the very American promise of an education for all — no matter how much money your parents have, or where you live, or the color of your skin or if you get around on your feet or in a wheelchair. But the public good that is public education is being imperiled in New Hampshire in ways that put children’s education and the well-being of our communities and our economy at risk.
Stories of perseverance + ingenuity
May 20, 2021
The latest issue of the Foundation's Purpose newsletter is now available online. Read about how Girls, Inc. adapted its operations to help girls during remote learning; how nonprofits are helping people manage mental health challenges; a partnership to strengthen mentorship for LGBTQ youth — and much more.