Diversity is our strength
May 18, 2022
Christina Kim Philibotte is the chief equity officer for the Manchester School District. A Foundation grant to Manchester Proud helped support the creation of her position. She spoke to the Foundation’s Lois Shea about her work.
Foundation opposes HB 1431
May 17, 2022
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation believes that HB 1431, if passed, would prove detrimental to the health and safety of some of our most vulnerable children. Several components of this bill would undermine important relationships with teachers and mentors that can be a lifeline for young people, and would undercut our public schools.
Young people raise their voices about covid
May 10, 2022
In Laconia, the local paper has embarked on an ambitious project to hear directly from young people about their COVID experiences and other issues important to them. The Laconia Daily Sun is taking a Solutions Journalism approach to reporting on the issues raised by young people: examining how similar issues have been addressed elsewhere and what possible solutions might be options in the Lakes Region.
Growing community, joy and satisfaction
May 6, 2022
Grow Nashua connects people through urban gardens, programs and education at elementary schools, farm stands with free produce and curbside compost pickup.
Meet William Abbott
April 27, 2022
William Abbott has joined the Charitable Foundation as a senior philanthropy advisor for the Lakes and North Country regions. He talks with the Foundation’s Lois Shea about his family’s long agricultural legacies, the intersection of equity and conservation work and the honesty of conversations that can happen in “purple” towns.
McAuliffe Sabbatical recipient focuses on early literacy
April 19, 2022
“Early literacy is the most pressing issue in education today,” said teacher Elizabeth Cannon of Hopkinton. “You can’t start building all of the other blocks of learning until literacy is there.”
The state of music education in New Hampshire
April 12, 2022
Report details the field of youth music education in New Hampshire and identifies opportunities for investment to improve it. Research will inform grantmaking from the Foundation, including from the David M. Brooks Music Fund, which distributes about $200k annually for music education in public schools, focused on areas of the state with greatest need.
How the expanded child tax credit helped NH families
April 8, 2022
The expanded child tax credit helped move millions of American children out of poverty.
The Foundation, through a partnership with national funders and NH Housing, made grants to a number of nonprofit organizations in New Hampshire that were doing outreach to families to let them know about their eligibility for the credit — and to help them apply.
Why the Youth Risk Behavior Survey matters for young people’s health
April 5, 2022
Charitable Foundation opposes bill that would undermine the availability of reliable and valid data that is critical to helping keep New Hampshire’s young people healthy.
Sports, adapted for all
March 23, 2022
Adaptive Sports Partners of the North Country provides year-round opportunities for sport, recreation and wellness, enriching quality of life for people with disabilities.
Scholarship honors legacy of John P. Foss
March 10, 2022
Longtime public-school educator John Foss "had a special place in his heart for kids who struggled with learning." Now, a scholarship fund in his name will help students from Milford who have faced disabilities or hardships such as homelessness or mental health challenges; or students studying to become educators who will help children who have faced disability or hardship.
A scholar, a worker – and a welcoming presence for refugees
March 9, 2022
As a youngster in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Hussain Amiri collected and sold firewood and made carpets to help support his family, then studied at night. After enduring war and trauma, his family arrived in Concord with only what they carried and very little idea of what to expect. Now, he is studying at Plymouth State University for a career in computer science and working as a case manager at Building Community in NH, helping refugees as they build new lives in New Hampshire.