Susan Griffin has taught at least a thousand students who have come through Brown Elementary School in Berlin over the last four decades.
When she does errands, she is probably the most frequently hugged person in the city. She has students now whose parents she taught. She remembers all of their names.
One former pupil, bagging her groceries, challenged: “I bet you don’t remember my name” She didn’t hesitate. “Mark, how could I forget you?”
Susan has devoted her life to the children of Berlin, and in 2017 was awarded the Louise Tillotson Teaching Fellowship, a $10,000 stipend intended to support public school teachers. (Some of which she used immediately to replace chapter books in her second-grade classroom.)
Susan has never considered teaching, or living, anywhere else.
“I was born and brought up here and just wanted to remain true to my sense of community,” she said. “I love this area, I love the people and I wanted to dedicate my work to the community of Berlin.”