A week-long job shadow leads to a career path
December 29, 2022
With help from a Charitable Foundation scholarship, Joshua Williams is studying at Lakes Region Community College, majoring in Electrical Systems Maintenance and Installation and Electrical Power and Control Technologies. He plans four more years of study for an electrician journeyman’s license, then to earn his master electrician’s certification. He dreams of starting his own business.
Friends of Mascoma: “We’ve got you.”
September 20, 2022
The Friends of Mascoma Foundation has grown into a respected volunteer organization providing scholarships, awarding mini-grants to teachers, sponsoring art in the schools, donating musical instruments and establishing food pantries.
Together we thrive: In our communities
July 8, 2022
A few examples of recent grants making a difference around the Granite State.
Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum teaches important lessons
February 2, 2022
“Native people still live here in New England and they are your neighbors or work at the supermarket or are your doctor,” said Museum Executive Director Andrew Bullock. “It’s a really vibrant community that’s just simmering below the surface.”
JAG Productions shows why art matters
August 18, 2021
Anyone who has ever struggled to explain the importance of the arts might try this, from JAG’s mission:
“…to catalyze compassion, empathy, love, and community through shared understandings of humankind through the lens of the African American experience…”
Helping schools pivot to outdoor learning
January 14, 2021
As schools began to close this past spring, educators across the state scrambled to figure out how to keep teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Programs supported by the Wellborn Ecology Fund have been helping schools move to more outdoor instruction for years, and more schools are now making "outdoor classrooms" a regular part of the school day.
Continuing gifts and grants in response to COVID-19
September 30, 2020
Since the COVID-19 crisis began to unfold, generous New Hampshire people have rallied to help their neighbors, giving more than $4.1 million into the Foundation's Community Crisis Action Fund. The Foundation has made more than $9.7 million in grants to help sustain our communities through this crisis.
A continuing response to the crisis at-hand
August 26, 2020
Since the COVID-19 crisis began to unfold, generous New Hampshire people have rallied to help their neighbors, giving more than $4 million into the Foundation's Community Crisis Action Fund. The Foundation has made more than $9.5 million in grants to help sustain our communities through this crisis.
New Hampshire Nonprofit Emergency Relief Fund awards announced
August 14, 2020
Fund of the Governor's Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery awards nearly $40 million to 496 New Hampshire nonprofits.
NH Charitable Foundation awards more than $1.2 million in grants to support river and watershed conservation
August 5, 2020
Projects will help improve water quality, habitat, biodiversity, and flood resilience in Connecticut River watershed.
Grants continue to support NH communities during public-health crisis
July 28, 2020
Since the COVID-19 crisis began to unfold, generous New Hampshire people have rallied to help their neighbors, giving $3.9 million into the Foundation's Community Crisis Action Fund. The Foundation has made nearly $9 million in grants to help sustain our communities through this crisis in the same time period.
Charitable Foundation announces newest round of grants and gifts in response to public-health crisis
June 23, 2020
Generous New Hampshire people have rallied to help their neighbors, giving more than $3.8 million into the Community Crisis Action Fund since March 20. Nearly $8 million has been granted to community nonprofits since the COVID-19 crisis began to unfold.