With a home and enough to eat, families can thrive
January 13, 2025
Meeting urgent needs while addressing root issues.
Boosting community vitality
February 14, 2024
Since 1993, the nonprofit Vital Communities has been bringing people together across sectors to tackle among the most complex challenges facing the region.
Medical-legal partnership aims to improve health outcomes for families
February 1, 2024
Dartmouth Health and New Hampshire Legal Assistance have teamed up to support family health by identifying health disparities and addressing legal needs to improve health outcomes.
Collaboration at the heart of mission
October 10, 2023
Vital Communities’ mission is to engage people, organizations, and communities to create equitable solutions to our region’s challenges. We are not just an organization, we are a movement with collaboration at the heart of our work. We believe in the strength of our communities and the catalytic effect that occurs when diverse minds unite for a shared purpose.
Pride builds community, belonging
October 10, 2023
When LGBTQ people can feel safe, they can become part of the larger community, which is better for everyone. When we feel we belong, and know this can be home, that we want to stay here, or to move here, we will fight for that sense of place, and we fight for each other. And because of that, we all thrive together.
A New Hampshire where everyone belongs
August 31, 2023
Organizations like Rural Outright and events like Rural Pride help people find belonging and joy where they live.
Together we thrive: In our communities 2023
July 14, 2023
From helping families afford children's programming to creating a space where all teens feel welcome to providing meals for elders: A few examples of recent grants making a difference around the Granite State.
How to help victims of flooding
July 13, 2023
Devastating flooding after extreme rainfall has affected people and communities in Vermont, upstate New York and New Hampshire. Here are some ways to help.
LGBTQ Pride — from the North Country to the Seacoast
May 30, 2023
Since the first Portsmouth Pride in 2015, additional Pride events and festivals have been established and gained momentum across New Hampshire. The Charitable Foundation is a proud sponsor of Pride month events around the state.
Earth science teacher awarded Christa McAuliffe Sabbatical
April 27, 2023
Teacher Gregg Stott of Hanover plans to produce a documentary film about how the Ice Age affected the Connecticut River Valley and develop an Earth Science curriculum to help students from elementary to high school notice and better understand the geology of their own backyards.
A warm meal with good friends – and much more
March 16, 2023
For more than 6,000 seniors or adults with disabilities in and around Grafton County, the Grafton County Senior Citizens Council, its eight senior centers and its community partnerships offer transportation, meals, activities, health and financial guidance and companionship.
Charitable Foundation awards $3.8 million in operating support to nonprofits
January 11, 2023
Recent funding from Foundation's Community Grants program provides multiyear operating support to more than 80 nonprofits working across New Hampshire.