Hurricane relief: how to help
October 1, 2017
Established nonprofits are working to meet immediate and long-term needs. Here are some ways to help
September 25, 2017
Bending Theodore Parker’s long arc of the moral universe toward justice means not only confronting and rejecting overt hatred; it means understanding and addressing the root causes of inequity
Helping communities rebuild
September 20, 2017
It’s what community foundations do in the wake of natural disasters. Learn how you can pitch in
Having the conversation, consistently
September 18, 2017
Screen & Intervene gives medical providers an effective and consistent way to talk about substance use — and help young people stay healthy
Summer’s last exhale
September 15, 2017
The Outside Story: Common nighthawks are neither common, nor nocturnal, nor hawks. But they are really cool
Giving, and building community, with donor-advised funds
September 6, 2017
Six reasons why donor-advised funds at community foundations are powerhouses of giving and community engagement
Roads to Recovery airs on NH Public Television
August 31, 2017
Documentary about navigating paths to recovery airs August 31 and during National Recovery Month in September
Kids Count data and the opportunity gap
August 21, 2017
State ranks first overall on child well-being in 2017, but averages mask vast discrepancies in access to opportunity and outcomes for kids
How to ‘pop the question’ about charitable giving
August 15, 2017
Sally and David Mulhern on focusing first on goals (before solutions), the benefits of giving as part of a complex estate plan, and why active listening is key
Scholastic Art Awards celebrate student artists
August 10, 2017
New Hampshire artists bring home 32 medals from national competition
Curbing substance misuse
August 7, 2017
Tym Rourke, writing for Washington Monthly, on how a chicken farmer’s generosity is helping New Hampshire address the disease of addiction
Workforce accelerator helps NH students, businesses, economy
July 11, 2017
Sara Colson of the Business and Industry Association explains how BIA-Foundation partnership is working to create pathways to education and careers, increase number of people with college degrees and credentials and boost NH economy