A healthier future for New Hampshire’s kids
June 1, 2015
Youth Leadership Through Adventure teaches kids to be leaders, deepens their connection to community — and, in so doing, keeps them off drugs and alcohol
Louise Tillotson Teaching Fellowships awarded
May 27, 2015
Three North Country public school teachers recognized for excellence
Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund awards more than $575,000 to support North Country efforts
April 15, 2015
Grants support education, economic development, basic needs
Charitable Foundation awards more than $2.3 million in grants
March 4, 2015
Community Grants Program supports 148 nonprofits across Granite State
Welcome to the Network for Good
February 4, 2015
24 community leaders join Foundation's eight regional advisor boards
Changing the world by helping children and families
December 1, 2014
Investing in the right health, mental health, educational and family supports for children is critical to success
Northern Forest Center creating economic opportunity
November 14, 2014
Quick: what is the largest forest east of the Mississippi River?
Circle Program girls learn to install solar power
July 14, 2014
Grant helps Circle Program install solar panels on cabins, boosts girls' skills and confidence
WREN helps North Country entrepreneurs to fly
June 1, 2014
The sleeves-rolled-up women of the Women’s Rural Entrepreneurial Network help people in the North Country become economically self-sufficient
Better outcomes for every kid in the North Country
May 1, 2014
The Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund invests $5 million to improve early childhood outcomes in the North Country
‘If it hadn’t been for Ray…’
May 1, 2014
Generations of North Country students will benefit from the Raymond S. Burton Scholarship Fund
Philanthropy in tandem
November 1, 2013
Sue and Brad Wyman travel the world together, but their philanthropy happens in their backyard