On making eye contact and the wonders of the Monadnock region
August 28, 2017
Meet Sandeep Bikram Shah, the Charitable Foundation's new senior program officer for the Monadnock region
Scholastic Art Awards celebrate student artists
August 10, 2017
New Hampshire artists bring home 32 medals from national competition
Ann Haggart valued education, drank Moxie and loved to laugh
March 27, 2017
Every grant and scholarship that comes from the Foundation starts with a generous person who cares. It is our honor to work with them
How to ‘pop the question’ about charitable giving
February 22, 2017
Drew Landry offers some refreshing ideas for talking with clients about charity, and explains how the estate tax charitable deduction has been a force for positive change in America
Giving our kids the opportunity to thrive
July 5, 2016
MoCo Arts and the Keene Housing Kids Collaborative are making it possible for all kids to dance and act and succeed
Keeping it local
June 1, 2016
The Hannah Grimes Marketplace and Center for Entrepreneurship helps local businesses get their ideas off the ground and keep them there
Building community with books…and octopuses
April 7, 2016
Foundation grants to Monadnock libraries send readers on a literary and scientific journey, with a local author's book as the vehicle
Building economic opportunity
March 5, 2016
Foundation VP of Community Impact Katie Merrow outlines how the Foundation is working to increase opportunities for our kids – and help businesses to thrive – in this "Business Monadnock" article
Students head to campus with $5.24 million in scholarships
September 14, 2015
Foundation awards scholarships to promising students from 222 New Hampshire communities
Scholarships to a great student who needed them
June 1, 2015
Harrison Durfee plans to give back — and help the next generation of New Hampshire’s kids
Charitable Foundation awards more than $2.3 million in grants
March 4, 2015
Community Grants Program supports 148 nonprofits across Granite State