The Power of Many: giving and working together for NH
May 29, 2019
A few examples of recent grants making a difference in communities around the Granite State: Portsmouth Music and Arts Center builds community through the arts; Christa McAuliffe's legacy continues; Kids in Chichester get new playground equipment; Empower Coös Youth Grant Committee makes its first round of grants; Veterans get support and services; History is preserved in Manchester; The largest remaining dairy farm in the Monadnock region is conserved
Applying ‘conscious capitalism’ to your mission
May 24, 2019
Mainstay Technologies ‘pays it forward’ through its donor-advised fund at the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. Foundation staff help identify giving opportunities, and the Mainstay "charity team" recommends grants — from helping refugee children be able to attend summer camp to contributing to a scholarship to help a student get his associate degree at NHTI
The power of a very generous crowd
January 4, 2019
Here are just a few examples of what happens in New Hampshire communities when people give, and work, together
Meet Ben Amsden
September 26, 2018
New Charitable Foundation senior program officer on rural sociology, the perfect New Hampshire day, and a hobby that helps keep stuff out of landfills
On a mission to help our kids thrive
July 19, 2018
Lakes Region Child Care provides high-quality early education to 424 infants and children from 28 towns
How screening breaks the cycle
March 8, 2018
Dr. Kelley White talks about the profound effect of the state's drug crisis on her young patients, and how the "screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment" protocol is helping
A forest stays a forest — and generates money to give
January 18, 2018
A generous family donated the 2,086-acre Beaver Brook Forest to the Charitable Foundation. Now, the land is in process of being conserved forever, and charitable resources generated by the sale are already at work in New Hampshire communities
From a hardscrabble start, Jim Curvey built on education to succeed
January 18, 2018
Now, the Curvey family's philanthropy is helping others get the education they need, and helping struggling families in Carroll County
An aspiring doctor says ‘thank you’
August 1, 2017
The Foundation awards about $5.5 million each year in scholarships. Meredith Peck of Plymouth wrote recently to let us know how she is doing
Rooted in community, inspired to do more
February 14, 2017
Nancy Stearns on how regional advisors help connect the Foundation with every corner of the state, and how her experience reaffirmed her pride in New Hampshire
Farnum Center recognized for management excellence
September 27, 2016
Recovery center receives the Foundation's 2016 Excellence in Nonprofit Management Award
Giving back is in the Weeks family DNA
August 23, 2016
Like the generations before them, Jack and Pat Weeks have passed on their philanthropic values to their children and grandchildren