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Gregory Williams, board member of ADAPT, speaks at the Foundation's "Here for Good" event at the Rocks in Bethlehem on Tuesday, September 24, 2024. (Photo by Cheryl Senter).

Gregory Williams, board member of ADAPT, speaks at the Foundation's "Here for Good" event at the Rocks in Bethlehem on Tuesday, September 24, 2024. (Photo by Cheryl Senter).

Nurturing the next generation of leaders

Gregory Williams of ADAPT, on how that organization is helping young people to develop confidence and resilience.

Gregory Williams, board member of ADAPT, delivered the following remarks at a Foundation community event in September:

I am Gregory Williams. I work as a prevention specialist for the North Country Health Consortium. I am also a Board member of ADAPT and I am speaking on their behalf this evening. ADAPT is an organization that was started 11 years ago by their executive director, Sean O’Brien.

It’s an honor to speak with you today about a transformative initiative that’s making a real difference in the lives of our youth: ADAPT’s Youth Leadership Through Adventure program, or YLTA. This program is a beacon of hope and growth, originating in the rugged terrain of the White Mountains as a classroom for developing confidence and resilience in our young people, it now continues to grow statewide. All New Hampshire high schools can partner with ADAPT to bring this promising practice to their community.

At its core, YLTA leverages the principles of experiential learning — an educational philosophy that emphasizes learning through direct experience.  By immersing students in challenging yet exhilarating activities like hiking, rock climbing, and kayaking, YLTA creates an environment where youth can step out of their comfort zones and discover their true potential.

Imagine this: a group of teenagers, initially hesitant and unsure, making their way up a rocky trail. With each step, they’re not just ascending a mountain; they’re conquering their self-doubt, pushing their limits, and building a sense of accomplishment. These experiences forge a profound sense of confidence and resilience — qualities that are indispensable as they navigate the complexities of life.

Through these adventures, young participants are not only learning the technical skills required for these activities but also valuable life lessons. They learn the importance of teamwork, the power of perseverance, and the value of facing challenges head-on. The rugged terrain of the White Mountains becomes a living laboratory where they practice problem-solving, adaptability, and leadership.

But it’s not just about the immediate thrill of adventure. The growth we witness is both real-time and long-term. I have had the privilege of seeing firsthand how these experiences translate into long-lasting changes in our students. They return from these adventures with a newfound self-belief and a more resilient mindset. These traits stick with them, influencing their approach to future challenges and opportunities.

One student, Lynn, said after starting YLTA in middle school: “I began to feel more confident in my own skin and learned the powerful skill of self-advocacy. What made it even more special was that these lessons were all grounded in outdoor activities that pushed me to grow, both personally and as a leader.”

Many years later, she is still with ADAPT and giving back: “I now get to provide these same opportunities for others, which has been a truly full-circle experience. What makes it even more special is that now I get to share this experience with my own son, who is becoming part of the same program that helped shape me.”

Our youth are, without a doubt, our greatest resource. They hold the potential to drive positive change and shape a better tomorrow. ADAPT, the organization behind YLTA, understands this intrinsic value. They are not just recognizing our youth’s potential; they are actively working to unlock it. Through carefully designed adventures and the guidance of well trained, dedicated adults, ADAPT is empowering our young people to become confident, resilient, and capable leaders.

In conclusion, the Youth Leadership Through Adventure Program exemplifies how adventure can be a powerful tool for personal growth and leadership development. It is a testament to the impact that experiential learning can have on building confidence and resilience in our youth. With continued support and funding from organizations like the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation and the Foundation’s Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund, we can ensure that more young people have access to these transformative experiences, helping to shape a future where our children are not only equipped to face challenges but are also inspired to lead with courage and conviction.