The Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation recently awarded 16 grants totaling $358,259.
Kids will get backpacks filled with nutritious food to keep their bellies full for the weekend. Adventure seekers will learn about mountain-biking opportunities in Coös County thanks to a new marketing campaign. A local theatre will entertain thousands of guests with live performances and film. And more.
Established in 2006, the Tillotson Fund is one of the largest permanent rural philanthropies in the country, distributing more than $3 million in grants annually to support projects that focus on community revitalization. Grants are awarded to municipal, educational and nonprofit organizations throughout northern New Hampshire and bordering communities in the United States and Canada.
“From supporting basic needs to improving outcomes for our kids to boosting economic development, we have an extraordinary network of organizations working to make life better for so many,” said Phoebe Backler, Foundation senior program officer for the Tillotson Funds. “We are honored to partner with them to help build stronger communities for everyone in the region.”
Grant awards were made to the following organizations:
Acti-Sports MRC de Coaticook, Coaticook, Quebec received $6,475 to improve recreational access and opportunities for people living with physical disabilities.
Area Churches Working Together, Colebrook, NH received $45,000 (over three years) to support general operations for the Colebrook Food Pantry.
Arts Alliance of Northern New Hampshire, Littleton, NH received $20,000 to support general operations and develop a comprehensive organizational plan.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Hampshire, Portsmouth, NH received $20,000 to support youth mentoring in the North Country.
Cohos Trail Association, Lancaster, NH received $1,740 to purchase professional mowing and trimming equipment to improve trail maintenance.
Cross New Hampshire Adventure Trail, Glen, NH received $13,620 to provide professional marketing materials and directional signage for The Cross New Hampshire Adventure Trail bicycling route, which now includes Coös County.
Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire, Concord, NH received $20,000 to provide weekend meals through the St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Back Pack program serving children attending five area Coös County elementary schools.
Friends of the Colonial Theatre, Bethlehem, NH received $60,000 (over two years) to provide operating support.
Municipalite de Dixville, Dixville, Quebec received $15,500 to renovate an outdoor hockey rink into a four-season multi-sport concrete surface.
New Hampshire Jobs for America’s Graduates (NH-JAG), Manchester, NH received $19,000 to provide paid summer employment opportunities for youth living in Berlin and surrounding communities.
North Country Charter Academy, Littleton, NH received $20,000 to upgrade technology and improve teaching strategies for STEM-related coursework.
Northern Forest Canoe Trail, Waitsfield, VT received $17,805 to improve access, increase portage trails and build campsites along northern New Hampshire and Vermont waterways.
Northern Forest Center, Concord, NH received $20,000 to produce a collection of short videos marketing the multistate Borderlands mountain-biking experiences and area communities.
Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH received $44,400 to provide stipends for teacher candidates in the 2019/2020 North Country Teacher Education Certification Program to complete student teaching requirements.
Ressource Communautaire en Sante Mentale L’eveil, Coaticook, Quebec received $14,719 to renovate the basement and create a more welcoming place for young adults living with mental health disorders.
Tin Mountain Conservation Center, Inc., Albany, NH received $20,000 to provide environmental education programs for students K-12 in Berlin and Gorham.
The next deadline for the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund is Thursday, July 18, 2019. Please visit our website for more information:
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation is New Hampshire’s statewide community foundation, founded in 1962 by and for the people of New Hampshire. The Foundation manages a growing collection of 2,000 funds created by generous individuals, families and businesses, and awards more than $40 million in grants and scholarships every year. The Foundation works with generous and visionary citizens to maximize the power of their giving, supports great work happening in our communities and leads and collaborates on high-impact initiatives. For more information, please visit or call 603-225-6641.