A sustained, structured, month-long “Workplace Racial Equity Learning Challenge” aims to help people and teams in New Hampshire learn about the history and dynamics of how racism manifests at the individual, interpersonal, organization, and systemic levels; gain insight into New Hampshire history and current imperatives on issues relating to racial equity; discover local resources and leaders working on these issues and learn how to support, amplify, and/or complement this work; and reflect with other organizational leaders about how to take action and invest resources for change in the most effective ways.
The Learning Challenge, presented by New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility with support from the Diversity Workforce Coalition, starts on January 18 and runs for four weeks. Participation is free. The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation is proud to be part of a team of sponsors supporting this event.
Daily email prompts will be sent on 21 work days, each with a theme and links to articles, videos, podcasts or other resources. Facilitated online dialogues on Fridays from 12-1 p.m. offer time to discuss and share ideas. An “action planning” workshop wraps up the series.