Environment and Climate Justice
Helping build a more equitable environmental movement
People need a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment in order to truly thrive
New Hampshire’s forests, lakes, wetlands, and mountains are the state’s most treasured assets.
Not only is conservation an economic driver for the state, it also improves the health and well-being of Granite Staters who can enjoy time in nature. However, natural ecosystems in New Hampshire are increasingly threatened by development and climate change, and persistent inequities in access to nature determine who can experience its benefits. Environmental harms from pollution, climate change, and substandard neighborhood conditions are largely drawn along lines of race and income, which further deprives some communities, especially communities of color and low-income communities, of their right to a healthy environment.
Since 1962, the Foundation has made some $70 million in grants to protect and preserve the state’s natural resources.
As part of our efforts to make New Hampshire a community where everyone can thrive, we are working to support a more equitable environmental movement in New Hampshire, one that puts local environmental issues and climate change on par with conservation, preserves natural resources for their intrinsic value and community benefit, and responds to the interests of more people.
What we’re doing
Our environmental grantmaking strategy was developed after consultations with many community partners, including an in-depth survey of the environmental field in the region. Based on what we learned, we are supporting nonprofit partners to:
- Build capacity. Helping conservation nonprofits develop the capacity for meaningful community engagement and partnerships to expand their reach into marginalized communities.
- Increase access. Promoting greater access to the outdoors for all, with a focus on low-income communities, communities of color, and people with disabilities.
- Organize for environmental justice: Investing in organizations that build environmental justice capacity and grassroots efforts, ensuring that everyone has a voice in decisions affecting their local environment.
- Act on climate issues: Supporting advocacy for climate action at the state and local levels.
- Build a learning community: Facilitating opportunities for peer-learning and collaboration within and beyond the environmental sector to share experiences and broaden relationship networks.
In addition, the Foundation’s Wellborn Ecology Fund promotes ecological education and knowledge though place-based education initiatives; we are working with many generous people and innovative partners to restore and promote the health of Great Bay and its surrounding watershed; and our Upper Connecticut River Valley Mitigation and Enhancement Fund is supporting restoration and protection of the river and surrounding watersheds.

Stories and updates
Together we thrive: In our communities 2025
From increased programming for Special Olympics athletes in the North Country to cleanup support for Keene residents recovering from storm damage: A few examples of recent grants making a difference around the Granite State.
Here for the good of communities and people — since 1901
Anne Truslow of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests on how that organization is protecting and managing land for climate resilience as well as recreation, advocating for policy and funding, and engaging people in the outdoors.
Growing food, belonging and community
Justin Munroe on how Grow Nashua is connecting people and building community.
Taking a stand on climate
Why health care workers are speaking up about climate change.
‘Here for good,’ a message from our board and CEO
New Hampshire’s statewide community foundation was launched in 1962. The era was one of both challenge and peril — but also of audacious optimism, and belief in what was possible. We again find ourselves again in an era of complex challenges. Challenges in decades to come may be more complex yet. The Charitable Foundation will be here. For good.
Here for Good
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation's 2023 annual report, "Here for Good," tells stories of how people around the state are addressing some of today's critical issues — from climate change to voting access, from health care to child care. The report is available online, and printed copies will be mailed soon. Please join us to continue the conversation at events in September.
Boosting community vitality
Since 1993, the nonprofit Vital Communities has been bringing people together across sectors to tackle among the most complex challenges facing the region.
Together We Thrive: In Our Community
Nonprofits are improving the quality of life in every corner of New Hampshire
Building an environmental justice movement in New Hampshire
Many individuals in low-income and marginalized communities are burdened with environmental issues they did not create. Furthermore, they are being denied the environmental benefits that they deserve.
A New Hampshire where fresh food is abundant
Land For Good, a nonprofit based in Keene, works “to ensure the future of farming in New England by putting more farmers more securely on more land.”
Maui Strong Fund activated by Hawai’i Community Foundation
The Hawai‘i Community Foundation has activated its Maui Strong Fund to support residents affected by the wildfires in Maui. At least 36 people have died in the blazes. One hundred percent of the funds donated into the Maui Strong Fund will be distributed for community needs.
How to help victims of flooding
Devastating flooding after extreme rainfall has affected people and communities in Vermont, upstate New York and New Hampshire. Here are some ways to help.
Where equity and the environment converge
The Foundation is committed to incorporating equity, racial justice and economic security across its work — including in its environmental grantmaking.
Stories of progress + hope
Read the latest issue of "Purpose," from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.
Together we build a better future
As the technology has gotten cheaper and the climate crisis bears down, interest in efficiency continues to rise. Clean Energy NH is helping communities around the state become more energy efficient.
Together We Thrive: Read the Foundation’s 2021 Annual Report
We can build a more perfect community if we all work together. Here are stories of how people in New Hampshire are doing just that.
Local organizing, education, action to fight climate change
Nonprofit 350NH works to combat the climate crisis by promoting the use of clean and renewable energy sources and advocating to phase out polluting and non-renewable energy sources.
Helping schools pivot to outdoor learning
As schools began to close this past spring, educators across the state scrambled to figure out how to keep teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Programs supported by the Wellborn Ecology Fund have been helping schools move to more outdoor instruction for years, and more schools are now making "outdoor classrooms" a regular part of the school day.
NH Charitable Foundation awards more than $1.2 million in grants to support river and watershed conservation
Projects will help improve water quality, habitat, biodiversity, and flood resilience in Connecticut River watershed.
Meet Rosalind Erwin
The Foundation's new senior program officer for the Piscataqua Region and environmental grantmaking on the delight of learning new places, the coolest-ever internship (jellyfish husbandry!), her current favorite nature writing — and more.
Chipmunk Game Theory 101
The latest installment of "The Outside Story," sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, explains how eastern chipmunks have evolved to be energy maximizers, seeking to strike the optimal balance between energy gain per cheek-pouch load of food and number of trips back to the burrow.
‘Energy circuit rider’ helps towns become more energy-efficient
New position created with funding from Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund brings energy-efficiency to towns and school districts, with an eye to driving demand for sustainable energy systems and creating jobs in related industries.
Nearly $300,000 in grants will support place-based ecology education
The Wellborn Ecology Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation supports place-based ecology education in the Upper Valley region of New Hampshire and Vermont
$690,000 in grants awarded for river and watershed conservation
Projects will help improve water quality, habitat, biodiversity, and flood resilience in Connecticut River watershed
The Power of Many: giving and working together for NH
A few examples of recent grants making a difference in communities around the Granite State: Portsmouth Music and Arts Center builds community through the arts; Christa McAuliffe's legacy continues; Kids in Chichester get new playground equipment; Empower Coös Youth Grant Committee makes its first round of grants; Veterans get support and services; History is preserved in Manchester; The largest remaining dairy farm in the Monadnock region is conserved
Tick-borne diseases on the rise
In the latest installment of "The Outside Story," sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund: Ticks are more abundant than ever before in northern New England, and tick-borne diseases are on the rise. Read more about why, and how to stay safe while still enjoying time outside this summer
Monadnock region’s largest dairy farm now protected
The 350-acre Chickering Farm, on the Connecticut River in Westmoreland, will remain intact in perpetuity
Why animals’ eyes shine at night (but people’s don’t)
In the latest installment of "The Outside Story," sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund, learn about eyeshine in animals, which is produced by a membrane called the tapetum lucidum (“tapestry of light”), a reflective surface located behind the retina
Inspiring the next generation
Gretchen Carlson, program manager at the Gundalow Company in Portsmouth, teaches children about the science and history of Seacoast waterways
The power of a very generous crowd
Here are just a few examples of what happens in New Hampshire communities when people give, and work, together
“The soul of a dead woodsman”
The latest installment of "The Outside Story," sponsored by the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation's Wellborn Ecology Fund, explores the folklore and natural history of the gray jay
Cutest moth ever?
The latest installment of The Outside Story, sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, solves the mystery of the fuzzy, pastel-hued Rosy Maple Moth.
On a mission to sustain local farms
The Upper Saco Valley Land Trust works to make sure that North Country farmland remains farmland forever
$600k in grants will support river and watershed conservation projects
Projects will help improve water quality, habitat, biodiversity, flood resilience in Connecticut River watershed
Solar-powered mission
A generous Foundation donor has helped a dozen nonprofits across the state devote more resources to core missions by installing solar arrays
Grants help continue progress on Great Bay
Critical habitats are being restored and protected in an area that the Environmental Protection Agency has labeled one of 28 "estuaries of national significance"
New fund to support conservation projects in northern New Hampshire
Land and water conservation projects in New Hampshire’s North Country will get a boost from a new donor-advised fund at the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Ice-out data adds to knowledge about climate change
The latest installment of The Outside Story, sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, explores local data showing ice-out coming earlier, lilacs blooming sooner and predictions of shorter sugaring seasons
Once in a blue supermoon
A blue supermoon will rise on January 31 — a rare occurrence indeed. The latest installment of The Outside Story, sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, explores the science...and encourages you to go out and take a look
A forest stays a forest — and generates money to give
A generous family donated the 2,086-acre Beaver Brook Forest to the Charitable Foundation. Now, the land is in process of being conserved forever, and charitable resources generated by the sale are already at work in New Hampshire communities
From a hardscrabble start, Jim Curvey built on education to succeed
Now, the Curvey family's philanthropy is helping others get the education they need, and helping struggling families in Carroll County
“The State of Our Estuaries”
Estuaries are among the most important and sensitive ecosystems on the planet. The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation's Kevin Peterson writes about a recent report on how New Hampshire estuaries are faring – and what can be done to help
Bears make their beds for winter
The Outside Story, sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund, explains how black bears 'go to bed fat and strong and wake up skinny and strong'
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation announces $300,000 in grants to support place-based ecology education in the Upper Valley
Fund provides support to place-based ecology education programs throughout New Hampshire and Vermont’s Upper Valley
Summer’s last exhale
The Outside Story: Common nighthawks are neither common, nor nocturnal, nor hawks. But they are really cool
Wilderness, plus
Amy Sandback worked with the Monadnock Conservancy and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation to preserve a large tract of wild land, and create funds to support a variety of causes and organizations
A dragon devours the sun
A partial social eclipse will be visible in New England on Monday. The Outside Story explores the mythology and science of these dazzling astronomical events
Summer house guests
Phoebes take up residence every summer under awnings and atop porch lights, seemingly unperturbed by our presence
Conserving land forever, and for all
The Powder Major's Farm and Forest has woodlands and wetlands, top-quality wildlife habitat, river frontage, miles of trails...and is open to all, in the fastest-growing part of the state
The hermit thrush: nature’s flute
The Outside Story, sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund, offers a primer on the most beautiful song in our northern New England woods
Want to build rabbit habitat, restore sand dunes, clear trails?
The Stewardship Network: New England links volunteers with organizations that need help protecting our natural resources
Drumroll, Please
What kind of woodpecker am I hearing...? Turns out, you can tell them apart by the style of their drumming. Learn how in the latest installment of "The Outside Story" sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
A good day of fishing…made even better
Dam removal projects improve habitat, water quality, recreation opportunities
Foundation announces more than $520,000 in Grants for Connecticut River projects
Grants leverage nearly $2 million in additional project funding to restore and protect Connecticut River
The Wellborn Ecology Fund: Learning From the Ground Up
A passion and concern for the environment led to a bequest that has kept the Upper Valley on the leading edge of place-based ecology education
Boisterous Blue Jays Flock in Winter
In the latest installment of "The Outside Story," supported by the Wellborn Ecology Fund, learn what is up with that rowdy flock at your birdfeeder
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation announces $234,000 in grants to support place-based ecology education in the Upper Valley
Fund provides support to place-based ecology education programs throughout New Hampshire and Vermont’s Upper Valley
A good time to celebrate Great Bay and Hampton-Seabrook Estuaries
During National Estuaries Week, let's take a moment to recognize and appreciate all that this watershed provides: critical wildlife habitat, nurseries for seafood production, recreational enjoyment, and much more.
Killdeer: The Pasture Plover
How did this cute little plover earn such a name? Learn more in "The Outside Story," a weekly series about the natural world, is sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
Saving Great Bay
A new collaborative effort is a potential game changer for the region
Jack-in-the-Pulpit, or is that Jill?
Flowers that can change from male to female ... in "The Outside Story," a weekly series about the natural world, is sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
Nature Conservancy working to improve health of the Gulf of Maine
Impact investment helping to restore ecological health and fisheries
Investing for impact
Foundation launches new investment option for donors who want to keep their charitable dollars local, create jobs and expand opportunity
A sure sign of Spring
When robins return ... in "The Outside Story," a weekly series about the natural world sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
Building community with books…and octopuses
Foundation grants to Monadnock libraries send readers on a literary and scientific journey, with a local author's book as the vehicle
Foundation announces $900,000 in grants for Connecticut River projects
Projects leverage an additional $1.3 million in funding to restore and protect Connecticut River
What is THAT?
Turkey tail fungus...of course. Read all about it in "The Outside Story," a weekly series about the natural world sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
The buzz on honey flavors
From tupelo honey to magical multiflorals...all in "The Outside Story," a weekly series about the natural world sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
Goshawk: Apex Accipiter
The Outside Story, a weekly series about the natural world, is sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
Wellborn Ecology Fund announces more than $80,000 in grants
Fund provides support to place-based ecology education programs throughout New Hampshire and Vermont’s Upper Valley
In January, owl courtship begins
The Outside Story, a weekly series about the natural world, is sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
A warm winter’s winners and losers
The Outside Story, a weekly series about the natural world, is sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
Crow communication is ‘cawfully’ complicated
The Outside Story, a weekly series about the natural world, is sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
What colors can deer see?
The Outside Story, a weekly series about the natural world, is sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
Owls’ winter hunt
The Outside Story, a weekly feature about the natural world, is sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
Under the water, December’s peak leaf season
The Outside Story, a weekly feature about the natural world, is sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
When mushrooms attack
The Outside Story, a weekly series about the natural world, is sponsored by the Wellborn Ecology Fund
Toward a more sustainable Star
Star Island sustainability initiatives supported by Foundation grants, donors
Science Education That Kids Really Dig
The Wellborn Ecology Fund helps kids in the Upper Valley learn about nature
Foundation announces $1.3 million in grants for Connecticut River projects
Projects will improve water quality, restore habitat and conserve open space in watershed
Students for zero waste
Entrepreneurs' Fund grant helps Post-Landfill Action Network reduce waste on campus
Wellborn Fund changing the way kids learn science
Professional development for teachers supports place-based science education
Northern Forest Center creating economic opportunity
Quick: what is the largest forest east of the Mississippi River?
Philanthropy for the planet
Putnam family committed to environmental protection
You can do a lot more outside
Appalachian Mountain Club program teaches the science of the natural world
Helping local farmers flourish
Foundation helps Farm Food Initiative give food producers business education and support
A simple bequest, an enduring impact
Marguerite Wellborn's ecology fund shapes environmental education in the Upper Valley
We're here to help
To learn more contact:

- Meena Gyawali
- Initiative Leader, Environment
603-225-6641 ext 219
Email Meena