Foundation opposes HB 1431
May 17, 2022
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation believes that HB 1431, if passed, would prove detrimental to the health and safety of some of our most vulnerable children. Several components of this bill would undermine important relationships with teachers and mentors that can be a lifeline for young people, and would undercut our public schools.
Growing community, joy and satisfaction
May 6, 2022
Grow Nashua connects people through urban gardens, programs and education at elementary schools, farm stands with free produce and curbside compost pickup.
Sports, adapted for all
March 23, 2022
Adaptive Sports Partners of the North Country provides year-round opportunities for sport, recreation and wellness, enriching quality of life for people with disabilities.
Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum teaches important lessons
February 2, 2022
“Native people still live here in New England and they are your neighbors or work at the supermarket or are your doctor,” said Museum Executive Director Andrew Bullock. “It’s a really vibrant community that’s just simmering below the surface.”
Foundation urges repeal and replacement of “banned concepts” law
January 12, 2022
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation stands firmly behind the belief that all of our children deserve an education that promotes their development and critical thinking skills and offers them practical tools for their future. As such, we urge the legislature to pass SB304 to repeal and replace the provisions adopted in last year’s budget bill, HB2. The current law makes it difficult for our children to receive the complete education they deserve to help them thrive in communities and civic life.