New Hampshire Charitable Foundation announces $3 million initiative to support moms and babies affected by opioid and other substance misuse
October 10, 2017
More than $600,000 awarded to New Hampshire nonprofits in first round of grants
Having the conversation, consistently
September 18, 2017
Screen & Intervene gives medical providers an effective and consistent way to talk about substance use — and help young people stay healthy
Roads to Recovery airs on NH Public Television
August 31, 2017
Documentary about navigating paths to recovery airs August 31 and during National Recovery Month in September
Curbing substance misuse
August 7, 2017
Tym Rourke, writing for Washington Monthly, on how a chicken farmer’s generosity is helping New Hampshire address the disease of addiction
Time to step up
June 20, 2017
Tym Rourke and Alexa Eggleston: a call for a national philanthropic agenda to combat addiction
Economic cost of substance misuse in NH: $2.36 billion annually
May 8, 2017
New report from New Futures and PolEcon Research breaks down costs of alcohol and drug misuse in New Hampshire
Youth Summit to focus on opioid awareness
March 3, 2017
Thousands of New Hampshire students gathering in Manchester to learn about prevention strategies and resources
Speak Up New Hampshire
February 8, 2017
Partnership for Drug Free New Hampshire launches campaign to change the way we think and talk about addiction
Farnum Center recognized for management excellence
September 27, 2016
Recovery center receives the Foundation's 2016 Excellence in Nonprofit Management Award
I carry their names everywhere I go
September 26, 2016
A reflection on a community conversation turned personal, a quiet man who cared, and the urgent need to keep going
‘I have a story to tell…Recovery is possible.’
September 6, 2016
Dean LeMire got the health care and recovery support he needed to survive a substance use disorder. Now he helps others do the same