Helping communities rebuild
September 20, 2017
It’s what community foundations do in the wake of natural disasters. Learn how you can pitch in
Keeping the republic
March 22, 2017
At Town Meeting, we were not just affirming shared principles, buying a new dump truck and repairing the "horse hearse house." We were practicing keeping the republic
Finding common ground for our kids
February 24, 2017
Americans fundamentally agree on many things. Perhaps first and foremost: all of our kids deserve a shot at achieving the American Dream.
Standing with New Americans
January 30, 2017
Welcoming immigrants and refugees to our shores is fundamental to our national principles, to New Hampshire values and to this Foundation’s mission of building stronger communities
Our work
November 11, 2016
The power of many
June 7, 2016
A letter from Foundation Board Chair Matt Pierson and CEO Richard Ober
Leaning hopeful
March 30, 2016
Many voters are angry, and we shouldn’t be surprised. But that’s only part of the story.
Remembering Martin Gross
January 28, 2016
Few people have had a greater impact on the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation than Martin Gross
Give for New Hampshire
December 1, 2015
Nonprofits help make New Hampshire a great place to live. And it takes thousands of acts of generosity, small and large, to keep them going.
Inspired giving
December 1, 2014
A student's letter captures the essence of why community philanthropy matters
New Hampshire Tomorrow
May 1, 2014
Our long-term prosperity demands focused attention on increasing opportunities and lowering obstacles for children and youth