JerriAnne Boggis and Joseph Morone join New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Board
August 8, 2019
JerriAnne Boggis, executive director of the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire, and Joseph Morone, past president and CEO of Albany International Corporation, are the newest members of the 14-member governing board which oversees grantmaking, finances, stewardship of philanthropic resources and strategic initiatives for statewide community foundation
Remembering Sumner Winebaum
August 1, 2019
Sumner’s philanthropic legacy includes helping to establish the Foundation’s presence in the Piscataqua region
Something that sticks
June 27, 2019
Steve Reno, director of Leadership New Hampshire, reflects on themes raised at Charitable Foundation's annual meeting: 'How often do we set out to make community, that is, deliberately to commit ourselves to the betterment of something larger than ourselves?'
Estate giving: a legacy for good, forever
May 30, 2019
One generous family kickstarted the greatest charitable legacy that New Hampshire has ever known. The Charitable Foundation's Spaulding-Potter Circle Legacy Society is named in their honor. When generous people include the Foundation in their estate plans, they join the Spauldings and Potters in that legacy for good.
Monadnock region’s largest dairy farm now protected
March 18, 2019
The 350-acre Chickering Farm, on the Connecticut River in Westmoreland, will remain intact in perpetuity
Adding meaning and purpose in retirement
March 7, 2019
Elise Salek, an estate planning attorney and member of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s Capital Region advisory board, writes about how giving and volunteering are helping people connect with community, embrace new experiences and stay happy and healthy during retirement
Inspiring the next generation
February 20, 2019
Gretchen Carlson, program manager at the Gundalow Company in Portsmouth, teaches children about the science and history of Seacoast waterways
A welcoming state for all
February 13, 2019
Allyson Ryder, Associate Director of Leadership New Hampshire and member of the Governor's Council on Diversity and Inclusion, on the importance of collective and concerted efforts to make the Granite State a welcoming place for all
2018 Northern Forest Regional Symposium focuses on outdoor recreation industry
December 10, 2018
Initiative of the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund brings leaders together every year to focus on opportunities and strategies to help North Country communities thrive
The Status of Women in NH
November 21, 2018
New report from the New Hampshire Women's Foundation shows that women have made strides, but still have a long way to go to achieve equity
Do Good and Do Well
October 24, 2018
Experts weigh in on why philanthropic planning is an important part of business planning, particularly when planning for transition
Information + Inspiration: 2019 Charitable Giving Guide
October 23, 2018
New Hampshire Business Review's annual giving guide helps spread the word about the great work of New Hamsphire's nonprofit sector