What’s a leader look like? A forester, an IT director, a teacher…
June 30, 2016
Community Practitioners Network trains and connects North Country leaders to make communities stronger.
Raising voices, saving lives
June 24, 2016
New Futures helped Kriss Blevens find her voice and turn her make-up brush into a power tool for advocacy
Saving Great Bay
June 22, 2016
A new collaborative effort is a potential game changer for the region
Investing in “Our Kids”
April 26, 2016
The Foundation invested more than $11 million in grants and scholarships last year as part of its New Hampshire Tomorrow youth opportunity agenda
Bradford Teacher Thom Smith Awarded 2016 Christa McAuliffe Sabbatical
April 14, 2016
Smith wants to get elementary school teachers and their students excited about science
Building community with books…and octopuses
April 7, 2016
Foundation grants to Monadnock libraries send readers on a literary and scientific journey, with a local author's book as the vehicle
Media Power Youth on the rise
March 11, 2016
New Hampshire organization gains national recognition for effectiveness of programs
A legacy of generosity
March 4, 2016
Support from the Foundation’s Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund touches thousands of lives every day
Sabbatical program honors Christa’s legacy
January 28, 2016
New Hampshire's teachers get the chance to bring great ideas to fruition
The difference between winning and losing
January 21, 2016
Life of an Athlete program is keeping kids off drugs and alcohol
Pittsfield’s epic new playground
December 1, 2015
Foundation donor-advised fund holders help a town build a new playground that reminds kids they are valued by their community
Pemi Youth Center gives kids a community home base
October 14, 2015
Kids in Plymouth getting homework help, family-style dinners – and much more