We want New Hampshire to foster an environment that lifts the human spirit
April 1, 2021
If HB 544 passes — aimed ban to anti-racism, implicit bias and gender bias training in state-funded agencies, schools, and business — it would be severely problematic for our economy, our children, and our image to the rest of the nation
New Hampshire Tomorrow 2020 progress report
March 31, 2021
Events of 2020 exacerbated inequities, increased urgency for work to ensure that young people are able to reach their potential.
500 Philanthropic leaders call for increased efforts to combat anti-Asian racism
March 26, 2021
Charitable Foundation co-signs letter by Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy.
New Hampshire’s children deserve school-funding fairness
February 25, 2021
In New Hampshire, according to a recent American Institutes for Research report, “The highest poverty school districts have the lowest student outcomes. The negative relationship between poverty and outcomes is very strong.” The Charitable Foundation is supporting two nonprofit organizations that are addressing these issues: Reaching Higher New Hampshire and the New Hampshire School Funding Fairness project. Because all students in New Hampshire should have equal access to educational opportunity so they can thrive in school, graduate and grow into adults who are able to help sustain New Hampshire’s communities and economy.
Statement on proposed state legislation regulating diversity training
February 11, 2021
The future of our state, our shared prosperity and well-being, depend on all people being fully welcomed and valued, able to reach their potential and to help sustain their communities. The passage of this bill would detract from, not contribute to, our shared well-being and prosperity.
Eliminating racism, empowering women
January 19, 2021
Jessica Cantin is the CEO of the YWCA of New Hampshire. She spoke with the Foundation’s Lois Shea about the YWCA’s work to eliminate racism; empower women; and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
‘We are not all in the same boat’
December 15, 2020
When the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying economic fallout hit our communities, not a single person was unaffected. But some of us were much worse off than others.
Progress for the youngest among us
September 10, 2020
In recent years, the Charitable Foundation has made investments that helped push statewide policy change and funding, build coalitions and secure significant federal dollars to help improve outcomes for young children. Christina Lachance, who had been leading that work, has now taken the helm as director of the New Hampshire Council For Thriving Children.
Protecting civil liberties in uncertain times
July 30, 2020
The realities of the coronavirus pandemic have made many of the issues that the ACLU of New Hampshire works on — like voting rights — even more urgent. And many of the people whose rights the organization defends are also among the most vulnerable to the virus.
Taking down the barriers to college completion
July 23, 2020
Nonprofit Duet program in Manchester "meets students where they are, and gets them where they need to be" with a combination of online learning, flexibility, coaching, tutoring, career counseling and more.
Standing for justice
June 4, 2020
The Foundation stands with those who are exercising their rights and their moral duty to peacefully and urgently call for justice and an end to the violence and countless injustices perpetrated upon Black people over the course of centuries.
Leading with dignity
December 17, 2019
Maggie Fogarty, co-leader of the New Hampshire program of the American Friends Service Committee, sees her role as being present with and elevating the voices and leadership of people whose essential dignity is threatened.