Sports, adapted for all
March 23, 2022
Adaptive Sports Partners of the North Country provides year-round opportunities for sport, recreation and wellness, enriching quality of life for people with disabilities.
Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum teaches important lessons
February 2, 2022
“Native people still live here in New England and they are your neighbors or work at the supermarket or are your doctor,” said Museum Executive Director Andrew Bullock. “It’s a really vibrant community that’s just simmering below the surface.”
Foundation urges repeal and replacement of “banned concepts” law
January 12, 2022
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation stands firmly behind the belief that all of our children deserve an education that promotes their development and critical thinking skills and offers them practical tools for their future. As such, we urge the legislature to pass SB304 to repeal and replace the provisions adopted in last year’s budget bill, HB2. The current law makes it difficult for our children to receive the complete education they deserve to help them thrive in communities and civic life.
Building healthy communities
December 2, 2021
Grants from the Foundation's Community Crisis Action Fund, combined with federal CARES Act funding, made it possible for the cities of Manchester and Nashua to each hire four community health workers to to help people of color access care, testing and other services and resources to improve health outcomes.
Showing up on the side of justice
September 16, 2021
In an era of new complexities, tensions and awareness, the New Hampshire program of the American Friends Service Committee has been unwavering and expansive in its dedication to mission, working on a towering array of issues — from racial equity to immigrants’ rights to economic justice.
JAG Productions shows why art matters
August 18, 2021
Anyone who has ever struggled to explain the importance of the arts might try this, from JAG’s mission:
“…to catalyze compassion, empathy, love, and community through shared understandings of humankind through the lens of the African American experience…”
Foundation statement on state budget
June 30, 2021
A state budget is a statement of community values, and we believe that elements of this budget and trailer bill run contrary to the values of free speech, democratic representation and equality of opportunity.
Supporting LGBTQ youth
May 26, 2021
Mentoring partnership between Big Brothers Big Sisters and Seacoast Outright gets help from the Respect for All Youth Fund.
The public good that is public education is being imperiled in New Hampshire
May 21, 2021
Public K-12 schools deliver on the very American promise of an education for all — no matter how much money your parents have, or where you live, or the color of your skin or if you get around on your feet or in a wheelchair. But the public good that is public education is being imperiled in New Hampshire in ways that put children’s education and the well-being of our communities and our economy at risk.
Foundations team up to offer free community college course for all NH high school grads
May 12, 2021
The “Gift to the Class of 2021” recognizes the disruption the pandemic has had on educational aspirations and aims to get students back on track.
State budget is a reflection of New Hampshire’s values and priorities
May 4, 2021
New Hampshire’s budget carries profound implications for almost every aspect of community well-being. We urge Senators to listen to the voices of nonprofit leaders and advocates, prevent loss of federal funds to New Hampshire, support responsible funding for health, human services and education and reject the language of HB 544.
Immigrants bring enormous value to New Hampshire
April 20, 2021
New Americans are putting their skills and assets to work in thousands of ways for New Hampshire communities. They deserve to be kindly welcomed.