Contact Us
If you know the person or department you need to contact, please see our staff directory for individual contact information.
Donation inquiries
Please visit our online donation form to make a gift to a fund at the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. You can also learn about the several ways to make a gift of securities to a component fund of the Charitable Foundation.
Scholarship inquiries
Our Student Aid team can provide technical support for ScholarshipSource and answer general scholarship questions at 603-225-6641 ext. 2 or email at
Grant inquiries
Our Grant Management staff can provide technical support for GrantSource and answer general grant program inquiries at 603-225-6641 ext. 5 or
Fundholder inquiries
Our Donor Services team can provide technical support for MyNHCF and answer questions about your fund managed by the Foundation at 603-225-6641 ext. 3 or
Media inquiries
Please contact Kristen Oliveri, vice president of communications and marketing, at 603-225-6641 ext. 267, 603-315-0617 (mobile) or at
Our offices are open Monday through Friday
8:30 am to 5:00 pm
37 Pleasant St.
Concord, NH 03301
Get directions
446 Market St.
Portsmouth, NH 03801
(Please do not mail to this address.
Send to the Concord office above.)
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Use this form to submit questions you have about the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation or our work.
Please note: The Charitable Foundation provides grants to nonprofits and scholarships to students pursuing post-high school education. We do not provide personal financial support to individuals. Please contact 211 (or visit, which is New Hampshire’s statewide helpline for social services, for assistance.